Big Lunch 2017
THE BIG LUNCH 2017 is happening in a few short weeks. The national campaign from The Eden Project encourages neighbours to come together and get to know one another over some tasty tucker, and Leigh Neighbours thinks it’s such a great idea that we’re offering to help with the cost!
Whether you’re a local resident, a school, a place of worship, a community centre or a social club… we’re open to ideas! In the past we’ve given money towards Big Lunch events such as a family quiz, a sing-song, a children’s tea party and a ‘bingo & hot pot’ lunch.
Let us know your idea and how you’ll make it happen. The main criteria for funding is that events must be open for local people from our project area to drop in. The Big Lunch 2017 happens the weekend of 17/18 June… but we’re happy for you to host an event any time between Saturday 10th and Sunday 25th June. And hopefully the sun will be shining!
The closing date for applications to apply for funding is 5pm Wednesday 24th May. You’ll find the application form here.
Good luck!